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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Love In Tough Economic Times

For the past several months the Stock Market has been in decline, the unemployment rate has gone up, and home ownership has taken a dip. Sometimes, watching the Evening News causes one to wonder if the good old USA is in decline, if the financial state of America has caused marriages to crumble, love to decline, and people to forget the greatness of the nation we live in.

We would offer that while times are tougher than normal, the best marriages and love affairs will sustain the test of time for all the right reasons – during good or bad times the best loving relationships almost always survive. And we know why!

The truth is, the economy of the USA is on roller coaster ride, but in an historical sense, there is nothing particularly unusual about the current economic turmoil. We have been here before. There have been worse times.

The more important question through all this is, “How do we as a married couple, or lovers engaged in a loving relationship, make sure we sustain our love affair through all this turmoil, through all this uncertainty?”

To find what to do during these tough times read the entire article

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

When Am I Ready To Get Married?

Yesterday we had a delightful radio interview with a Pennsylvania radio station about our research on successful marriage. We were asked a question we have been asked before in some form or another, but not as directly or succinctly as the host asked it. His question – “When am I ready to get married?”

Discussing this critical question with the radio show host required careful thought and simple truths. So today we wanted to share with you what we believe to be the answer to the question in an article called "When am I ready to get married?"

Here is the link for you to discover the three ingredients necessary before you are ready to get married.

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