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Friday, January 4, 2008

Marriage IS Alive and Well

Marriage is alive and well in the world today. It is still among the greatest structures for social order that exists in the world today. Marriage is not in danger just because a pollster asks a question that suggests it is. Marriage is not in danger just because people who report statistical data report it incorrectly or in a way that leads to a false conclusion about marriage.

The truth is, marriage is alive and well worldwide AND in the United States of America. Marriage is still the greatest and most profound commitment to love that exists, irrespective of the so-called truths exposed by pollsters who might suggest something otherwise based on faulty or distorted polling data.

When you discount for the number of divorcees in America who get divorced multiple times, the “divorce rate” and its impact is much less than that reported by the popular media. As we have said before, the “real” divorce rate in the USA in terms of its true societal impact is far less than the 50% rate reported. When discounted for those who have multiple divorces, the “true” impact divorce rate is probably closer to 35% or 40%.

We have researched love and marriage for more than 25 years. All we ask is that the good folks who read polls and crunch numbers do so very carefully. The conclusions you draw will often be different from those concluded by the pollsters, the popular media, and the so-called experts.

Marriage is alive and well in the USA and around the world. To suggest otherwise is to ignore the real facts.

To read the entire article please go to Article of the Week.


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